Christian Reformed Churches in the Mid-Atlantic Region

Consisting of about 40 ministries, we are Classis Hudson and Hackensack of the Christian Reformed Church. Originally made up of Dutch immigrants who came for religious freedom and economic opportunity, we are now a multicultural family of churches with Korean, Chinese, Filipino, African-American, Indonesian, historically Dutch (Anglo) and multi-ethnic congregations. Also represented are a handful of college ministries. We share a common commitment to the Reformed faith and to faithfully proclaiming the Gospel message.

The Nehemiah Project is a grass roots initiative bubbling up from this family of churches that has discerned the importance of adapting to meet current cultural challenges and a desire to faithfully engage locally in the mission of God.

We are primarily engaged with two historic classes, Hudson and Hackensack.

“If you return to me and obey my commands, then even if your exiled people are at the farthest horizon, I will gather them from there and bring them to the place I have chosen as a dwelling for my Name.”
— Nehemiah 1:9

Our Vision

The goal of the Nehemiah Project is to see all the churches of classis Hudson and Hackensack renewed and reinvigorated and to start 20+ new ministries including innovative church plants and campus ministries by 2030.

The Nehemiah Project will commence over a 12 year period with four distinct phases: prayer, prepare, build, multiply. Click below to learn more.


Nehemiah Project Values

  1. Gospel Centered- the good news centered in Jesus Christ is the central theme and message of the church, its community life, its witness and its worship.

  2. Emotional and Spiritual health - churches are committed to deep-down discipleship that results in spiritual and emotional maturity

  3. Innovation; fresh expressions of church and ministry are welcome; there is freedom to experiment (and fail). 

  4. Multiplication and reproduction at every level. Success is not defined by numbers but by ever increasing capacity to raise leaders and impact lives through discipleship.  Ministries commit to reproducing every 5 years.  

  5. Radical generosity, commitment to furthering the movement. Churches will tithe out from the very beginning to outside ministry, will commit to paying classical ministry shares upon organizing, and will set aside funds for church planting to be used within five years.  

  6. Equipping people for the full spectrum of gifts with the full power of the Spirit (APEST leadership model).  

  7. Missional; helping the church look beyond its walls to the needs of the community and worldN