Church Planters

“The continual planting of new congregations is the most crucial strategy for the growth of the body of Christ.”
— Tim Keller

The ambitious goal of the Nehemiah Project is to bring renewal to the churches and effectively reach our neighbors in this post-Christendom context through a disciple-making and reproducing strategy. The fruit of multiplication is new churches, and we’re hoping to start 20+ new ministries by 2030.

If you or your church is interested in planting a church in the Mid-Atlantic region in partnership with the CRC, we would love to get to know you.

Please keep in mind a few important points as you think ahead.

  1. Our vision is to see church plants and new ministries birthed locally through prayer and evolve out of existing ministries. Local church support and oversight are imperative. We believe churches are the ones who plant other churches.

  2. Visions for new ministries must be approved by classis before funding will be considered (request a new ministry proposal form).

  3. Churches can be planted by an ordained minister or a commissioned pastor. To receive funding, the planter must be one of these or be in the process of ordination.

  4. All support, funding and oversight of new ministries is done in partnership with Resonate Global Mission, the mission agency of the CRC. If you haven’t already, please get in touch with your Local Mission Leader or the Regional Leader, Marco Avila.

  5. Resonate Global Mission must approve you for church planting. This will require filling out a Partnership Agreement Application and undergoing assessments and interviews. The sooner you get started on this process, the sooner you can receive funding from both Resonate and the classis.

  6. Generosity is a key value for the Nehemiah Project.

Other Resources

The Church Planting Process in the CRC
